Salam Aidilfitri buat semua.
It has been a long time I haven't written anything to this blog. Time running so is Sep 10... feels like just yesterday I have been posted here. So many things happen but don't where to start...
Hmm..Nov 09 was my sister's wed... and on last Sep she delivered her baby boy...AMMAR... 3.9 kg if I'm not mistaken... so many advices I could tell her but suddenly i have no guts to tell. The words just don't wanna come out... she have to considered so many things... all I can do is just pray and hopefully she'll be ok. The most incredible was "HE" also get a new baby boy. Nice name he gave to him... Aafter all these years i still can't forget him. Happy knowing that he live in peaceful and happy..
Next, got something was known as "imbalance hormone" that coz me collapse in the bathroom one day, when I woke up, I cried like I never a young child who lost her mother.... Taking the pills that I hate the most..Finally I stopped taking those pills.
Then attended the G3 course. the most interesting course for me...Thru tears and sweat finally managed to finish the course. Can't deny that lot of sweet memories there... always be dear to me...
Finally Ramadhan came and Syawal...I was met an accident..on the 8th Sep 10. Unforgettable moment. I wish that I would died that time... but I'm not..Alhamdulillah. I figure out that this accident has its own hikmah on me.. so sad looking at him "DAU 9642" the real buddy of mine. I owed him so much. I'm so sorry for the words that i have said to you.... thank you for everything. Soon or later I have to leave you somehow...