Salam to everyone...
Hmm dah lama tak update blog ni.. bukan per bz jer ckit.. Buzy nak settle down everything in a new places that is totally different, "white world"..prior to this the "green world". Being in a new place, aku kekok sedikit. Almaklumlah semua nyer navy people. so it has been almost 2 month going to 3 months... hopefully i could cope with everything. well all i can say it just a bit boring here, all this while i've been working as a teacher, instructor, PR, LO, ADC, ushrer, accountant, BOI-CSI (investigater, warden, busy rushing here and there, doing all the adhoc job etc. But now i'm sitting in the office doing all the staff jobs.. and i tell you.. it's not easy to be a "boss" and its boring!In other words i prefer that hectic rather than sitting on the chair for the whole day... makin gemuklah aku jawabnyer.
Last month.. nothing happen just a retreatment for my promotion..on 15 June 09. Well done Yati. now you're Major... Panglima Pendidikan & Latihan TLDM yang pakaikan hu hu. Borat lagi lah tanggungjawab den ni hah... Then we've got an Audit Pengurusan Tahunan bagi MPL (Markas Pendidikan Latihan TLDM).. Got parade and so on. I couldn't believe it that i'm the only ARMY in that parade..tersosat sorang askar kek navy ni. All in white attire except for me, got a bit green color... but on top of that i'm so proud to serve in different service.

Next i'm going to attach at Airforce plak...
hai yati...apa kabar? tahniah..
ReplyDeletelama tak dengar kabar, still di PD lagi ker?
tahniah 2 u.....seronok aku nengok member aku macm ni dan skang aku tak leh panggil nama lg, kenan panggil MAJOR la ni....